For minor or junior category applications – please visit Pro-Shop to complete a junior consent form (with the parent/legal guardian)
Please make the payment via Bank transfer to the account details mentioned below.
BACS Details Comis Holdings Ltd, Account number : 13126253, Sort Code : 55-91-00 (Please use your full name as reference)
Please download the form, complete and either deliver printed copy to the pro-shop, or email scanned copy to Stephen and his team at
Download Direct Debit Mandate
I, hereby apply to become a member of Comis at Mount Murray and agree to be bound by the constitution and all applicable rules and by-laws of the club.
For handicap. competitions and general communications purposes, I consent to my personal details being forwarded to the Comis at Mount Murray Golf Club committee.
I consent to my photograph being used appropriately in connection with the promotion of the club.
By entering your name, you agree to electronic signature terms. Your Full Name entered below equates to your signature..
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